Committee Meeting for ISAAC 2016 & ICACT 2016
                               Welcoming Dinner
Program [Day 2] 11 November 2016 (Fri.)
Main Auditorium
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
09:00 ~
Registration Open
09:00 ~ 09:40
Break with Snacks and Drinks
10:00 ~ 17:00
09:40 ~ 12:00
Invited Paper &
Best Paper
Domestic Conference
Session Chairs
12:00 ~ 13:20
Lunch Time
Session Chairs
13:30 ~ 14:30
Poster (PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG)
Session Chairs
14:30 ~ 16:00
Invited Paper &
Best Paper
Committee Meeting for IIBC
(Closed Meeting)
Session Chairs
16:10 ~ 17:00
Keynote Speech:
Professor Yang Xiao, University of Alabama, USA
Session Chairs
17:00 ~ 17:40
Welcome Ceremony and Award Ceremony
- Welcoming Remarks : President of IIBC, Chair of ISAAC
- Welcoming Speech : Heeryong Won, Governor of Jeju Island
- Welcoming Speech : Han-wook Kim, Chairman of JDC
- Best Paper Awards
18:00 ~ 21:00
Conference Dinner (Banquet style)
[Day 3] 12 November 2016 (Sat.)
Main Auditorium
09:00 ~ 09:30
Break with Snack and Drink
09:30 ~ 12:00
Invited Paper & Oral (OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF, OG)
Session Chairs
12:00 ~ 13:00
Lunch Time
13:00 ~ 17:00
Industrial Field
Culture Tour
[Day 4] 13 November 2016 (Sun.)
(Seminar Room)
09:00 ~ 09:30
Break with Snacks and Drinks
09:00 ~ 12:00
Committee Meeting For ISAAC & ICACT 2017 Conference (Closed Meeting)
Keynote speaker
Dr. Yang Xiao, Professor
Department of Computer Science
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0290 USA
Flow-Net Accountable Logging and Applications
Accountability implies that any entity should be held responsible for its own specific action or behavior so that the entity is part of larger chains of accountability. One of the goals of accountability is that once an event has transpired, the events that took place are traceable so that the causes can be determined afterward. The poor accountability provided by today's computers and networks wastes a great deal of money and effort. This is due to the simple fact that today's computing and network infrastructure was not built with accountability in mind. In this talk we introduce our previous work: accountable logging methodology called flow-net. We apply this methodology to many applications ranging from operating system design to computer networks
About Prof. Yang Xiao
Dr. Yang Xiao currently is a Full Professor of Department of Computer Science at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA. His current research interests include communications/networks and computer/network security. He has published over 200 SCI-indexed journal papers (including over 50 IEEE/ACM transactions papers) and over 200 EI indexed refereed conference papers and book chapters related to these research areas. His research has been supported by the U.S. NSF, U.S. Army Research, GENI, Fleet Industrial Supply Center-San Diego, FIATECH, and The University of Alabama's Research Grants Committee.
Dr. Xiao was a Voting Member of IEEE 802.11 Working Group from 2001 to 2004, involving IEEE 802.11 (WIFI) standardization work. He is a Fellow of IET (previously IEE) (FIET). He served/serves as a Panelist for the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), The Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)'s Telecommunications expert committee, and the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), as well as a Referee/Reviewer for many national and international funding agencies. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Security and Networks (EI-index), International Journal of Sensor Networks (SCI-index), and Journal of Communications (EI-index). He had (s) been an Editorial Board or Associate Editor for 20 international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, during 2014 to 2015, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, during 2007 to 2009, and IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials, during 2007 to 2014. He served (s) as a Guest Editor for over 20 times for different international journals, including IEEE Network, IEEE Wireless Communications , and ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET). Dr. Xiao has delivered over 30 keynote speeches at international conferences around the world and gave more than 60 invited talks at different international institutes.
DNA Genetic 8 by 8 Matrix Construction from the
Block Circulant Jacket Matrix based on Jeju Jong
Nang Gate
Moon Ho Lee
Division of Electronics, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea 561-756.
E-Mail: Tel.: +82-63-270-2463; Fax: +82-63-270-4166.
Jeju province has a long history in the residential communication field. The Jong Nang is such an example of a binary code, dated back over three quarters of a millennium. The Jeju Jong Nang code is considered as one of the earliest user binary coded communication (UBCC) in the world with a definite "1" or "0" binary symbolic analysis of switching circuits. The Jong Nang used the binary system (000, 010, 101, 111) similar to digital communications and three timbers are exactly like three-user. A unique scientific custom has been used at Jong Nang gate (JNG) in house i.e. the house holder indicates at house or not by three timbers close or open as like as traffic light (red, yellow, green) systems. Moreover, the same principle of Yin-Yang thought, DNA genetic matrices as well. This paper propose the DNA Genetic 8 by 8 Matrix Construction from the Block Circulant Jacket Matrix.
1. Trigram Based on Jeju Jong Nang
Jeju province has a long history in the residential communication field. The Jong Nang is such an example of a binary code, dated back over three quarters of a millennium. The Jeju Jong Nang code is considered as one of the earliest user binary coded communication (UBCC) in the world with a definite "1" or "0" binary symbolic analysis of switching circuits. A unique scientific custom has been used at Jong Nang gate (JNG) in house i.e. the house holder signals whether the host stays at house or not by three timbers close or open as like as traffic light (red, yellow, green) systems. Moreover, the same principle of Yin-Yang thought, DNA genetic matrices as well, shown in Fig. 1.
Fig 1. Jeju Jong Nang Gate, Korean Flag : Goe and DNA
2. Applications to DNA
In 1953, Nobel Prize awarded Watson and Crick had proved DNA double helix by the chemical and biology methods. The DNA has two helical chains in the same axis as shown in Figure 2. Both chains follow right handed helices, but the sequences of the two chains run in opposite directions. However, we prove DNA double helix by the bio-informatics signal processing system. The four letter of the genetic code alphabet has 64 triplets. We can get 6 amino acids codes of block circulant matrix from 24 amino acids.
(a) DNA -> RNA -> Protein (b) DNA double helix structure
Fig 2. DNA and Its Double Helix
3. Symmetric Property DNA
We propose our main results for DNA class characteristic property. The main kernel of body in the equation is given by
Fig 3. DNA [ CU : AG] Table and Proposed Ying-Yang RNA Pattern.
We reconstruct of any matrix from one category into a matrix of another category by means of a permutation of its columns or rows. Here, we can get 18 variants of symmetric genetic matrices, remain one category of 6 is the half symmetric of [C U : A G) .
The national flag of South Korea bears symbols of trigrams and Yin-Yang in the center. The pattern of Fig. 3 is similar pattern as the Korean national flag.
Moon Ho Lee (Life Senior Member) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Chonnam National University, South Korea and the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1984 and 1990, respectively. He was with Namyang MBC broadcasting from 1970 to 1980 as a Chief Engineer. He joined Chonbuk National University as a Professor. He held a post-doctoral position with the University of Minnesota, USA, from 1985 to 1986. He is currently a Inviting Professor and the Former Chair with the Department of Electronics Engineering, Chonbuk National University, South Korea. He holds 125 patents. He has published over 300 SCI papers and 40 Books. He has made significant original contributions in the areas of mobile communication code design, chnnel coding, and multidimensional source and channel coding. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering in South Korea and Foreign Fellow of the Bulgaria Academy of Sciences. He is the inventor of Jacket and Euler Jacket Matrix, which has been cited in Wikipedia over 95,559 times in 2014.
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